


  • Added a behavior for child particles to follow the position of the parent particle in position inheritance.


  • Added a method to move with a path

  • Added a View Offset to always show a particle on a center in a screen


  • Added FCurve(Single)

force field.

  • Added a lot of different force fields.

Procedual Model

  • Added Procedual Model.

In Effekseer, you can create simple models by simply adjusting parameters. You can display your model as it is or use it for generating positions.



  • Added many easing types.



  • Added many features to rendering

Up to six images can now be used to create a variety of expressions such as distortion, blending of images, and image cropping without the need for material settings. Soft particles can now be used to create a natural boundary between the background and the image.

../../_images/alpha.png ../../_images/dist.png ../../_images/softparticle_far.png
  • Added animation transitions with Fade

It uses linear completion for animation transitions. This will ensure that the image does not change suddenly.

  • Textures are now loaded as NoMipMaps when the file name includes _NoMip.


Added a node to implement soft particles in materials.

Added a node to get the magnification of the effect.

Dynamic parameter

Added a step function


  • Implemented multi-threaded updates. Faster update speed.

  • Geometry instances implemented. Improved speed when displaying multiple copies of the same model.



  • Added a feature to create a package.

You can export all the files related to an effect to a single package, or import them from a package.


  • Changed the behavior of the docking panel

  • Changed to frameless window (Windows)


  • Added a recording size scaling factor to the recording function.


  • Added a setting to change the mouse mapping to manipulate the viewport (you can select Maya style, Blender style, etc.).


  • Add an option to show a ground



  • Major refactoring of the C++ source code.

Safety has been improved. However, a number of destructive changes have been made. Please read the readme of the runtime for details.