1.5x Change Logs

1.53e (21/03/29)

Editor (Windows)

Fixed a bug where FPS may decrease after Windows10 2004

1.53d (21/03/27)


Fixed a bug where RenderingMode is not changed without rerunning

Fixed bugs about Comment node in the Material Editor

Added a text to show the number of parameters in the Material Editor

1.53c (21/03/17)


Fixed a bug where Effekseer crashes when 1.6 files are loaded.


Replaced docking panel.


Fixed a bug where effects sometimes blinks with culling

1.53b (21/03/08)


Fixed a bug that prevented images from loading when a same image asset was specified in multiple paths in effect assets.


Significantly improved a performance.

1.53a (20/12/13)


  • Removed glTF extension (because it was unmaintained and not implemented perfectly)

  • Fixed a bug where UV2 nodes were not working properly in OpenGL materials.

  • Fixed a bug where effects are not displayed with custom data 1 and 2 were set to all RGBA in OpenGL ES2.0 materials.

  • Fixed a bug where effects are not displayed lighting in Metal materials.


  • Added bat file to output x86 and x64.

  • Disabled OpenAL samples on Windows.


  • Added the feature to draw effects in PostProcessingStack.

  • Fixed a bug where materials were disabled after upgrading Unity version.

  • Changed Mac binary to Hardened Runtime.


  • Fixed a bug where images were not drawn correctly when mipmap was enabled in Metal environment.


  • 4.26 support.

  • Changed to suppress the generation of extra materials.

1.52n (20/10/23)


  • Fixed a bug where scaling was not applied to the cull size.

  • Fixed a bug where material normals was incorrect.


  • Fixed a bug where the original image of the recording behaved strangely

  • Changed to show a warning when connecting the normal and the normals in material.


  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when drawing a lot on DirectX12.


Fixed a bug where PremultiplyAlpha was not disabled.

1.52m (20/08/28)


  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when creating too many particles that exceeded the amount of memory allocated under certain conditions.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Clamp node from working properly.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a delay in drawing one frame.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect rotation.


  • Refreshed samples of culling

  • Fixed a bug where culling was not working properly.


Tools, Unity, Runtime, DXLib

  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing an effect without setting a model file when a model was selected for rendering.



  • Fixed a bug where the effect is not displayed when render method is ribbons, the number of divisions is more than 2, the magnification is 0 for one particle.

  • Moving the timing of sending the model to the GPU before rendering (to make it easier to process in the rendering thread)


  • Fixed omissions in the English version.

  • Fixed a bug where the app crashed when you don't have file permissions.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented creation of shader cache (x86 only)


  • Fixed a bug where effects would not play when switching emitters after playing an emitter in the Scene window.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented material compilation if the material contains a reserved word

  • Supports material wrapping and repeats

UnrealEngine 4

  • Fixed a bug where R and G of Texture Sample node were switched.

  • Fixed a bug where a material compile error would occur under certain circumstances

  • Fixed a bug where lighting parameters were not supported

  • Fixed a bug that prevented re-importation.

  • Fixed a bug where images of normals could not be loaded with materials.

  • Supports material wrapping and repeats


  • Fixed a bug that caused network reloads to behave strangely with multiple Manager classes

DX Library.

  • Fixed a bug that caused network reloads to behave strangely


  • Changed to show a warning when non-squared images are loaded.

  • Fixed a bug that did not support Android distortion.


  • Change image.crossOrigin to use-credentials


Fixed a bug where Bloom was behaving strangely in certain environments.

Fixed a bug where the memory locator alignment could go wrong in x86 environments.

Fixed a bug where noise could occur in MSAA environments.

1.52i (20/07/31)

Fixed a bug where opening a file was disabled with certain operation (Mac)

Fixed a bug where Effeksee cannot run in environments that did not support MSAA (Windows)

Fixed a bug where Is scaling invalid with Z-Offset behaved strangely.

Fixed a bug where dynamic parameters giving Vector as an argument behaved strangely.

Fixed a bug where the F-curve of UV behaved strangely.

Fixed a bug where the network reloading function was behaving strangely.

Fixed a bug that caused loading problems when saving a file with a default value of 0 and the same value as the default in custom data.

Fixed a bug where the memory locator alignment could go wrong in x86 environments.


Unify drawing behavior due to opacity on all platforms

Effekseer now can remove redundant nodes when effects are exported

Fixed a bug that caused a crash when executing UNDO without displaying the node tree.

Fixed a bug that occurred when the value of a material's step node was negative.

Fixed a bug that recording with high frequency is wrong

Fixed a bug that caused a crash when much particles are spawn


Fixed a bug that pngs with interlacing could not be displayed correctly

Fixed a bug that caused a crash when displaying a new effect after playing a lot of effect.

Fixed a bug that caused a crash when saving camera settings.

Fixed a bug where batch processing was not working.

(Runtime) Fixed a bug that it crashs if you end up not finding a format when extending a file reading


Fixed a bug that parameters of turbulence is not saved

Added an error message when it fails to save a file


Make delete button enabled in F-Curve on Mac

Fix a bug that removing points with double click was disabled in F-Curve.

Improve behavior of drag in F-Curve.


Fixed a bug where the magnification of recorded images is wrong.

1.52c(Mac Only)(20/05/06)

Fixed a crash on Mac when saving a file after importing new image .


Fixed a bug where particles are not shown with Line of SpawnMethod Fixed a bug in which Japanese is selected in an environment where the language is neither Japanese nor English. Fixed a bug that it fails to start if the current directory at startup is not the same as Effekseer.


Fixed a bug that a behavior of rotated billboard is something wrong when an angle is about 90 degree


Fixed a bug where files could not be saved on some Mac environments.

Fixed a bug that caused a rare crash.

Fixed a bag where the FPS changed when not using the 60FPS display.

Fixed a bug where the color space did not work properly.

Improved UI for recording.


Fix a bug that Effekseer doesn't run on ShaderModel4.0 (Windows)

Optimize Turbulence

Support 2D Mode (Experimental)


New Features